Rose Weixel’s technical blog

Rose Weixel | github | twitter | linkedin

Full stack web developer, passionate and pragmatic about solving problems with code. Self-motivated learner with a proven ability to quickly pick up new skills and technologies. Effectively drives projects from conception to completion. Strong communicator with a track record of thriving in fluid, fast-paced environments.


Languages: Ruby, JavaScript, Python

Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Ember.js, Node.js / Express

Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

Tools: RSpec, jQuery, AJAX, HTML, CSS, Git


Lacquer Love&Lend: A Rails App for lovers of nail polish to catalog and share lacquer collections

  • Built a friendship model and loan system to track state and manage transactions between users.
  • Implemented a fuzzy search algorithm to match user search terms with closest matches from the database.
  • Created a highly responsive user interface with JavaScript and jQuery.
  • Employed AJAX to provide live notifications for real-time user interaction.

Neighborhood Buzz: A Rails app for exploring New York neighborhoods to move to

  • Integrated multiple APIs to collect information about apartments, restaurants, and commute times.
  • Created an algorithm to provide neighborhood recommendations based on user preferences and behaviors.

Clipboard: A Rails app that allows teachers to organize and harness classroom data

  • Architected a robust schema to map the complexities of teachers’ schedules and activities.
  • Crafted an algorithm to group students and assign seats intelligently based on social and academic needs.

CommNews: A Rails app that graphs economic trends and matches data with relevant news stories

  • Generated line graphs of gross output by industry using Chartkick, customized with JavaScript.
  • Integrated the New York Times API to match data points with relevant news stories.
  • Used AJAX and JavaScript to create a single-page user experience.


Spoke at the NYCHTML5 Meetup about Live Updating DOM Elements with AJAX and jQuery, June 2015


Senior Web Development InstructorJan. 2015 – Present

The Flatiron SchoolNew York, NY

  • Teach adults how to build web applications using Git, Ruby, SQL, ORMs, Rack, Sinatra, Rails, and JavaScript.
  • Develop labs and tutorials, lead lab reviews and lectures, assist students with problem-solving and debugging, coach groups through developing their first applications.
  • Built a web app to automate student blog scheduling and aggregate posts into a searchable magazine.

Education CoordinatorOct. 2012 – Aug. 2014

Carrera Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention ProgramNew York, NY

  • Developed curriculum and oversaw implementation of all academic enrichment and remediation activities.
  • Created and updated individual academic plans; tracked and promoted student growth through data analysis.

Teacher (Elementary & Middle School)Sept. 2005 – June 2012

NYC Department of EducationNew York, NY

  • Mentored new teachers and led a department-wide transition to a new teaching methodology.
  • Integrated classroom computers and SMART technology to enhance teaching and assessment practices.
  • Piloted spreadsheet-based system for collecting and analyzing student data on Common Core learning targets.


Web Development Immersive, The Flatiron School, New York, NY Sept. 2014 – Dec. 2014

M.S., Education, NYC Teaching Fellows – Queens College, Queens, NY Sept. 2007

B.A., Sociology, Barnard College – Columbia University, New York, NY May 2004

Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude, Departmental Honors